Be A Good Servant

Be A Good Servant

Have you been where they are? Do you know the feelings in the struggle? Did you excel in pushing forward and making it work? That ability to empathize with your team and knowing success is on the other side is key to being a good leader. #plato #beagoodservant...
There Is No Avoiding Criticism

There Is No Avoiding Criticism

People are going to talk about you. It doesn’t matter how good your intentions. Someone is going to be envious of your success and try to bring you down. Someone is going to be offended by something you say. It is going to happen! You simply must stay true to...
Say No

Say No

Learning to say no to those things that would not get me closer to my goals was one of the most difficult skills I ever had to develop. I’m a giver and I want people to like me so I continually offered myself up to do work that didn’t serve me. In...