

This was the reminder I needed this morning. This is how I can make a small difference today. It was a rough night and we didn’t get restful sleep. Dogs up and barking at who knows what, unable to calm them down. So I woke up on a bit of the wrong side of the...
Beautiful Day

Beautiful Day

No matter what the day looks like or what obstacles stand before you, your attitude is the one thing within your control. You get to choose how you are going to deal with the moment you are in right now. No more, no less. #ichoosejoy #orcheesejoy #insidejoke...


Let’s seeā€¦ Took a 5 lb infant home from the NICU after 108 days on a feeding tube I had to hold in the air so she could gravity feed and oxygen. Drove from Tennessee to Idaho in a 26 foot Ryder truck towing my car with everything we owned with a disabled 3 year...


This speaks to my heart so deeply! I’m not always able to see the upside of things in the moment. But this quote from #HelenKeller reminds us to do just that. Look for the heros. Look for those crawling their way through despite the obstacles or struggles they...


I absolutely cannot stress this enough! I haven’t been “ready” for any of the things I started. I have felt like I needed to learn more, know more, do more before I took that leap. But I still jumped and it has literally changed my life! #jump...


I struggle with this one. So hard! There are some people in this world that have done so much damage to me that it is hard to wish them healing. But in the end, that thinking is just holding poison inside of me and doesn’t cause them even an instant of...