by Wendy Alexandre | Oct 20, 2020 | Belief, Motivation
There is always going to be that someone who is going to tell you what you want to achieve is impossible. That person may even be you. But you can find evidence everywhere you look to the contrary. The light bulb was an impossibility for years. Until it wasn’t....
by Wendy Alexandre | Oct 14, 2020 | Belief, Inspiration
So many of you are spending your time trying to look like, act like, be like someone else. The trouble is, the world needs you to be exactly who you are. Bring your unique gifts, talents and skills to the world. And don’t even say you don’t have any. Sit...
by Wendy Alexandre | Oct 13, 2020 | Belief, Change, Inspiration, Leadership, Motivation, Vulnerability
So I am a creature of habit. I like patterns in things in my life. I like schedules and planning ahead. Entrepreneurship is literally the opposite of all of that. It requires new thinking and actions, innovation and risk. It is hard, often terrifying, work going...
by Wendy Alexandre | Sep 28, 2020 | Belief, Wisdom
I heard this quote for the first time last week and I have been thinking about it ever since. While I have worked very hard to free myself from this prison over the years, there are some bricks still left. They aren’t holding me in, but I still have to scale the...
by Wendy Alexandre | Sep 24, 2020 | Belief, Inspiration, Love, Vulnerability
This grabbed me. I can’t even say for sure why. I just know it reminds me to make sure I am showing up to others with this truth. If I love, I need to show it. In order for others to trust me, I need to prove I’m trustworthy. And if I say I am sorry for...
by Wendy Alexandre | Sep 21, 2020 | Attitude, Belief, Inspiration, Motivation
Wouldn’t it be easier if someone followed you around holding you accountable for all the things you need to do to reach those dreams? Super annoying as well. Everyone else is too busy trying to get through their own life. If you want to achieve something, the...