Making Waves
It's interesting how offended people get about something I post that doesn't have anything to do with them. It's even more interesting that they talk to others about it, but smile to my face. What I post is meant to be #wisdom, #humor, #inspiration or #motivation. If...
She is a Beast!
Sometimes that woman is a stiff competitor. Other times, it is an easy win. While I do love the ability to "win," I also know that it reminds me how much more is possible. And that is where the determination kicks in. A full week of that and I can get bust out some...
Morning Routines
What does your morning routine look like? Do you make time for just you? Or is it simply a rush to do what you have to in order to get out the door on time? My mornings aren't exactly where I want them to be just yet, but I do have a routine that consists of...
Let’s Be Real
I'll admit it. I'm struggling here. Going to the gym is my life saver. The one activity that I will work around most everything else. It is how I do self-care and it is my stress reliever. Here is what I know today. I don't have the same drive alone and at home. Yes,...
Magic Cleaning Animals
Having my kitchen under construction and not functional while also being under a stay-at-home order...the struggle is real people! Those cute little cleaning animals are welcome to show up any time. #fridayfunny #wendyswisdoms #lunchboxwisdoms
Your One Body
How many of us have watched a loved one struggle while knowing that the pain and suffering had mostly been preventable had they simply taken better care of themselves with proper diet and exercise? I know I have and living that way is my biggest fear. It is the one...
Back to Basics
We may not be able to move about our lives as we are used to, but we can still move our bodies. From someone who has struggled through depression, I can tell you that these 6 items are life critical for me and so many others. While we do need to rest, let's do it in...
Dinner Struggle
Let me just set the stage for you. I haven't eaten anything except a cold piece of pizza on the run all day and it is dinner time. I am on the phone and he is driving and we are doing a combination of whispering and signaling. Him: Where do you want to eat? Me: I...
The love of dogs!
It doesn't matter how bad my day was or how stressed I am when I walk in the door at home. Because three amazing pups come to greet me with all of the happiness and joy their little hearts can hold to greet me. One of them even legitimately smiles at me. When I'm...
Be The Solution
Each of us is uncharted territory. If you own a business that is dependent on people coming into a store or requires gathering a group of people for a meeting or event, that is out of the question. Rather than focus on all that we can't do, let's focus on all that we...