Learn to Rest

Learn to Rest

This has been a challenging year for most of us in one way or another. Yet the sun rises and sets each day. Some of those days are meant for crazy amounts of determined work. And others are meant for rest. You get tired. That is ok!!! None of the days, however, are...


I rarely have just one thing going on at any given time. I have multiple projects I’m working on, multiple books I am reading, and usually at least a dozen clients I am working with all with very different needs and expectations. Some areas of my life and space...


Read that again. Really let that sink in for a moment. What dreams or goals have you procrastinated that could have put you in a better position today? Business idea you have? Savings you meant to put aside? You can’t change yesterday, but you can make a new...
Morning Routines

Morning Routines

What does your morning routine look like? Do you make time for just you? Or is it simply a rush to do what you have to in order to get out the door on time? My mornings aren’t exactly where I want them to be just yet, but I do have a routine that consists of...