Choose Happy

Choose Happy

Running through the “what if’s” of every scenario can make you crazy. It goes back to worrying about something only causes you to suffer twice…once when you worry about it and again when it happens. What you can do is evaluate the situation, do YOUR...
Train the Mind

Train the Mind

“I didn’t feel like working out today.” “I didn’t feel up to studying today so I skipped it.” Sound familiar? I’m sure those words have come out of your mouth before. You are not always going to ‘feel like it’, but...
Good Gets Better

Good Gets Better

It is virtually impossible to feel gratitude and anger at the same time. It is why I write down what I am grateful for in the mornings. Not only do I write it down, but I close my eyes and think about what it actually means to me, what it would be like without it, and...


This was the reminder I needed this morning. This is how I can make a small difference today. It was a rough night and we didn’t get restful sleep. Dogs up and barking at who knows what, unable to calm them down. So I woke up on a bit of the wrong side of the...
Beautiful Day

Beautiful Day

No matter what the day looks like or what obstacles stand before you, your attitude is the one thing within your control. You get to choose how you are going to deal with the moment you are in right now. No more, no less. #ichoosejoy #orcheesejoy #insidejoke...