Do What Makes You Happy

Do What Makes You Happy

This is a struggle for me. I am naturally the type of person that wants to make the most out of my day, be productive, see results. However, sometimes that wears me down to the core. I must remember to do some of the things that bring me joy to remind myself why I...
Winter White Legs

Winter White Legs

The color of my legs (or lack there of) is how I know I desperately need a vacation on a warm sandy beach somewhere close to the equator. I’m pretty sure I haven’t been this white since I was born! Who’s with me? #fridayfunny #mommaneedsavacation...
Every Action

Every Action

This is one of those quotes I keep close and look at daily. It reminds me that every time I take an action, I am moving myself either toward or away from my ultimate goals. Some decisions are tough and I don’t want to take the more difficult route. But what is...