Declaration of Worth

Declaration of Worth

I have seen and experienced it time and time again. We work in our jobs and taking care of our kids and volunteering and taking care of others. We become our last priority because there is so much to be done. But you cannot take care of any one or any thing if your...
Let It Die

Let It Die

Read that again. And again. The past is no longer serving your future. I know it is painful, but it is time to let go. #letitdie #lunchboxwisdoms #wendyswisdoms


Are there obstacles, absolutely. The choice is still yours. In your relationship, in your career, in your determination, in your attitude. You decide how this year, this month, this day, this moment will go. #itallcomesdowntoyourchoices #lunchboxwisdoms...
The Clowns Know Me

The Clowns Know Me

I feel like I am living in a three ring circus most days. I’m also pretty sure that I am walking the tight rope and a little unaware of what is going on around me. I just keep walking hoping I don’t step off. Relate? Happy Friday Friends!!! #fridayfunny...
Life Exchange

Life Exchange

You hear lots of people talk about work/life balance. And many will say there is no such thing. I work ALOT! I have been called a workaholic more times than I can count, but I guarantee you that my family knows that I also diligently spend quality time with them....