I remember sitting on the floor with my head in my young son’s lap sobbing hysterically unable to stop. My relationship was over, I had lost my home, my career was in the toilet, I was in mounds of debt and couldn’t see a way to get myself out, and most of my friends had abandoned me because they believed lies being told. The pain I felt was excruciating. I have never been, and hope to never be again, in such a dark place. Thoughts of leaving this world forever plagued my mind.
But dark times never last forever. They are temporary. I couldn’t have seen the path from where I was then to where I am now, but I am damn grateful that I continued to wake up every morning and put one foot in front of the other every day. I continued until the pain subsided and the memories began to fade and the truth of what happened was understood. Today I have a life I built that I couldn’t have dared to dream about back then. I am so blessed, yes! But I worked my ass off for this!! And that makes it all that much sweeter!!!
ibuiltthis #hannahgadsby #stepbystep #onedayatatime #grateful #blessed #keepgoing #lunchboxwisdoms #wendyswisdoms