There is value in the past, but only that which we can learn from it. Where the true living comes in is when we move forward. When we take the next step. When we do better because we know better. #takethenextstep #forward #lunchboxwisdoms #wendyswisdoms
Your happiness is 100% up to you! Absolutely no one else has the power or ability to create that for you. It has to come from the inside. Maybe that means changing jobs, relationships or physical location. Lucky for you, you have the freedom to do whatever it takes....
Communication is Key
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Easier said than done sometimes as our mouth gets ahead of our head. We spend about 80% of our workday communicating yet one study noted 91% of employees said their boss lacked good communication skills. On a personal level,...
Oh Beach, how I miss thee!
April seems to be the month I take most of my vacations. I've just spent the last 3 plus weeks seeing memories of my trips to Japan, Mexico & Thailand. All of which had warm, sandy beaches I got to sink my toes into. Oh beaches, how I miss you! We will be together...
There is a big difference between the kind of busy due to a heavy workload and the kind of busy you do because being still isn't an option for you. I do both. The workload busy is energizing and often fun because I love what I do. The later is a numbing agent so I...
You can
Your mind will certainly try to make it sound more complicated than that. After all, it's most important job is to keep you safe and that includes from risk of the unknown. But the unknown is exactly where you will have to go in order to find what you are looking for....
The Devil
First of all, I want to say to all of you goal diggers, I am not talking about looking forward to your future goals. You are warriors! I'm talking about the "worriers" out there. Those that worry so much about all of the "what ifs" that life might bring. The ones that...
That will change your life
There is a lot of goodness squeezed into a small space on this note, but I absolutely believe in every bit of it. What and who you are influenced by has the ability to change the trajectory of your life. Having negativity around you all the time can cause you to...
Out Dream Yourself
That goal. You know the one. The one that is in the back of your mind, but you always tell yourself it is dumb or impossible or silly. Bring it to the front of your mind. Imagine it in full color detail. Now go even bigger! That is what you aim for!
Is it a priority?
Hey you! Yes…YOU!!! You know that thing you keep saying you want to do? Today is the day. Get to work and get it done. Yes it takes effort and some planning and time you would prefer to dedicate to other things. But you said it was a priority for you. So is it?...