Exercise Over Murder
I can't say the thought has never crossed my mind. (I seriously listen to too much true crime. #myguiltypleasure) So I exercise to beat the crap out of mats and bags and obstacles, get it all out, and go home happy. This is the best solution for the survival of my...
Your Crazy is Showing
It has been a long week so we might as well wrap it up with a doozy of a Friday! 🤣🤣🤣 Have a great weekend friends! And try to keep your crazy tucked in…it's showing a little. #fridayfunny #voicesinsidemyhead #imaginaryfriend #allthepersonalities #lunchboxwisdoms...
People Pleaser
I used to be a people pleaser. I did everything in my power to be the person that others liked. It never worked well for me. I still had people that didn't like me for whatever reason. Cause I'm a likable kind of gal! So that's weird! I digress. Regardless, I learned...
Dirt Path
You may not even realize that you need it, but a walk in nature can shift your energy in a way that can open up creativity and release tension. The sunshine literally pours happy vibes into you. And that movement your body is getting puts your entire being into a...
Other People’s Opinions
Other people's opinion of you is none of your business. For some this is an extremely hard stance to comprehend. Don't we all want to be loved? Yes! Don't we all want to be accepted for who we are. Yes! But the only opinion that matters is the one you have of...
Everyone is Wrong Sometimes
There is no shame in being wrong. We are, each of us, human and therefore we make mistakes. But don't allow guilt or pride to guide your actions once you realize you are wrong. Be humble. Admit your error. Apologize sincerely. Learn from the mistake. And the move on!...
It’s Sticky
That moment when you wear shorts for the first time and you go to get up from the chair and realize you have become one with it. Wear sunscreen my friends and enjoy this season as much as the others. For me, summer is my favorite so I will be soaking in every moment!...
Lessons, not Life Sentences
I know I am not the only one who holds dumb stuff I've done against myself for all eternity. And it's not even dumb stuff. Chances I was too scared to make that would have made a huge difference in my life today. While I have regrets about so many of those things, I...
Who are you
It always comes back to personal responsibility. You have complete control over who you become. If you want to be the world's greatest chef, it is possible! You simply have to do the hard things day in and day out in such a disciplined fashion that nothing anyone else...
Do The Things
Life is not about how to be the most comfortable. That is not a thing. Life is about how you handle the challenges you face. Do you approach them with grit and determination? Or do you complain and waste valuable time & energy being angry that the world isn't...