Letting Go Of Judgement
Not all judgement is negative. As a society, we use judgement as a tool to pull together to call out any actions that could be harmful. Premeditated murder for example. Collectively we can agree that is just wrong. There is just no dissuading me on that one....
Haters Gonna Hate
Gotta love Brene! She makes me think and makes me laugh. And that's what I's appreciates about her. I wonder if she watches Letter Kenny? I digress. For real people. Those haters hate because they are hurt. It has nothing to do with you. #fridayfunny #brenebrown...
Let Go, Move Forward
I remember leaving college for the first time. I had a shiny new degree and a great full time job to look forward to. Everything was looking up. But those people that I had spent the last few years with were suddenly going to be part of my memories, not my day to day....
Make It Work
Perfectionism tends to look a lot like procrastination. As soon as I finish this, then I can show others. As soon as I read this book, I will know exactly what to do next. These are a bunch of false promises you are making to yourself. I know because I have made them...
I used to think that we are all a little bit broken, but I don't believe that is true. All of who we are is always there, but sometimes we take part of us and hide it in the shadows to protect our tender bits from the trauma and weight of the world. And that is okay....
You are a Soul
The essence of who you are cannot be defined by a physical existence. Our bodies can change and shift in many different ways, but the very core of who we are is always there. It is what makes us individual, our true nature. The body is, at its simplest, the vehicle...
To Rico
Because what else do you really need in this life? Dedicated to my friend, Rico Sims. Thank you for your joy! It will live inside me and so many others always. #cancersucks #rip #fridayfunny #lunchboxwisdoms #wendyswisdoms
Quiet Humble Truth
FOMO hits all of us at one point or another. We feel like if we aren't part of the conversation or if we don't go to that event we are going to miss out on something. But fear is never the reason to speak up or go anywhere. Learn to be still and quiet and listen to...
Delivery is Key
I have been told more than once that my approach could use some improvement. The struggle wasn't with what I had to say, but how I said it. This is something I still work on every day. I do my best to be intentional about not only the what, but the how of every...
Tune In
I've ignored it before and found myself full of regret. I know exactly what that feels like and it is not fun. You can do boards of pros and cons or lists to compare, but in the end, you must get quiet and really pay attention. Your body will tell you everything you...