by Wendy Alexandre | Jun 4, 2020 | Attitude, Wisdom
I know I am not the only one who holds dumb stuff I’ve done against myself for all eternity. And it’s not even dumb stuff. Chances I was too scared to make that would have made a huge difference in my life today. While I have regrets about so many of those...
by Wendy Alexandre | May 28, 2020 | Love, Wisdom
I will admit it. Abandonment is my #1 struggle. I am ultra sensitive to it. You could do a lot of things to me, but if someone I deeply care about just walks away without closure…I am devastated. One relationship has been on my mind lately and my heart has been...
by Wendy Alexandre | May 27, 2020 | Wisdom
I don’t believe that I have ever been considered ‘normal,’ but I sure did try hard to fit in for the longest time. I still catch myself doing it from time to time. But what I know is that it is only when I am genuinely myself do I attract the people...
by Wendy Alexandre | May 21, 2020 | Wisdom
I had to learn this lesson hard core during my last divorce. Most of my friends were our mutual friends. Stories were told that I was the one causing all of the drama. That I was legitimately crazy and should be on medication. Almost every person in that core group...
by Wendy Alexandre | May 19, 2020 | Leadership, Wisdom
Learning to say no to those things that would not get me closer to my goals was one of the most difficult skills I ever had to develop. I’m a giver and I want people to like me so I continually offered myself up to do work that didn’t serve me. In...
by Wendy Alexandre | May 18, 2020 | Wisdom
I don’t mind the lessons. Learning and input are some of my top strengths. But those tests up front are a real pain in my ass. Guessing I am not alone in that feeling either. Today is a new day with new lessons learned. Let’s do this! #lessonlearned...