

No matter what is going on in my life, I know without a shadow of a doubt that movement is what I need. Hiking, dancing, walking. There are dozens of things I can do depending on the mood. And if the last thing I want to do is move, that is my que that it is exactly...


There is value in the past, but only that which we can learn from it. Where the true living comes in is when we move forward. When we take the next step. When we do better because we know better. #takethenextstep #forward #lunchboxwisdoms #wendyswisdoms
Falling Apart

Falling Apart

And we don’t just love tacos…we LOVE tacos. So there you have it! The deepest kind of commitment there is and they fall apart on the regular. I think you are doing just fine at this thing called life! #fridayfunny #welovetacos #youaredoinggreat #lunchboxwisdoms...
Making Waves

Making Waves

It’s interesting how offended people get about something I post that doesn’t have anything to do with them. It’s even more interesting that they talk to others about it, but smile to my face. What I post is meant to be #wisdom, #humor, #inspiration...


Complaining about a problem without posing a solution is called whining. – Theodore Roosevelt Not one of us is perfect. I know! Shocker, right?!?! Each one of us has our issues and our blind spots. If you happen to be in one of mine, I would hope that you would...