Spring Is Coming

Spring Is Coming

Just some wishful thinking from a girl who is really ready to let go of all the doom and gloom that this season has brought so we can all move on to the better and brighter days ahead. I know good times are coming. I can feel the change in my bones! #springiscoming...
You Are The Light

You Are The Light

You are so busy looking for what others can add to your life that you don’t even see that you bring so much to this world. You have a light to offer that no one else has. Will you dare to show it? #youarethelight #lunchboxwisdoms #wendyswisdoms
Happiness Is An Inside Job

Happiness Is An Inside Job

Happy is an emotion that many don’t know how to generate themselves. They believe something has to happen or someone else has to be there in order to evoke that feeling. But that just isn’t true! Best way to get happy RIGHT NOW, is to take inventory of the...
Do What Is Right

Do What Is Right

No matter the cost. Even when the cost was his own life. Martin Luther King Jr fought for what he believed was right. His strength of character fills me with hope. Even in times of darkness, I know there is good in this world. #martinlutherkingjr #dowhatisright...
Declaration of Worth

Declaration of Worth

I have seen and experienced it time and time again. We work in our jobs and taking care of our kids and volunteering and taking care of others. We become our last priority because there is so much to be done. But you cannot take care of any one or any thing if your...