So many stressors lately. I think it would be nice to just sleep as long as I want. That escalates to I just need a few days of down time. Which then becomes my desire to just take a month off. And, if I’m not careful, burns into I don’t want to do any of this at all any more.
None of it is true!
The truth is, I wake up about the same time with or without an alarm.
The truth is, I don’t sit still well and my version of down time ends up with me doing something different to trick myself into thinking I’m taking time off.
A month off? What? At the 9th day on vacation earlier this year I was itching to come home and do something productive.
That last one…not wanting to do any of it anymore…that one is my trigger. It lets me know that the depression is just under the surface and I need to be mindful of the words that I am saying to myself and the actions I am taking. That is my que that it is time to focus on ONE THING that will be good for me in this moment and the future me. #noneofitistrue #mindfulness #dosomethingthatyourfutureselfwillthankyoufor #lunchboxwisdoms #wendyswisdoms