
Better Habits

by | Aug 6, 2020 | Change, Motivation

We are always waiting for January, the first of the month, Monday, or even morning to make a change or start something new? Why? Why not start right now?

Do you think eating that one last bad-for-you-with-all-the-fat-and-carbs-that-just-tastes-so-good meal today will make it easier to make the healthy choice tomorrow? No! It will make it harder.

Do you think binge watching Netflix and ignoring the work today will make it easier to dig in tomorrow? No, that is just all that much more that will need to be done creating an even bigger hill to climb.

So why wait? Why not start with making a powerful choice now? Isn’t that the person you want to be? #betterhabits #strongeryou #lunchboxwisdoms #wendyswisdoms

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